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2018-04-18 Pl.Bd. min.
Town of Princeton, Mass.        
PLANNING BOARD   meeting Minutes  --– April 18, 2018

In Town Hall Annex; present were:, Tom Sullivan, Ian Catlow and Rud Mason with alternate Ann Neuburg. Chairman John Mirick was absent.

7:30 PM   Rud M. opened meeting and board reviewed a decision on the site plan for Dominic and Claire Golding. The three voted all in favor to approve the plan with minor edits, and then signed the signature page. The document will be forwarded to the Goldings for recording at the Registry of Deeds.

The board reviewed a letter from the building inspector Rich Breagy regarding operations at 149 Wheeler Road. Rich had responded to complaints from abutters about noise and other issues. Some discussion ensued on there being two primary uses on one lot. The property is in the Industrial Zone.

They briefly discussed activity at 30 Mountain Road, the Ervins’ “Inn” property. A building permit has been issued to renovate the barn into living quarters. Demolition work has started on the burned-out inn building and the building inspector wants a report from a structural engineer if any part of it is salvageable, before it gets rehabbed. Future plans on the entire property are unclear. There has been extensive site work down the eastern slope of the 10-acre lot.

Board voted to approve minutes of April 4, 2018.

8: PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:  Site plan decision and drawings for Goldings’ driveway.

Upcoming meetings:     May 2 & 16, 2018

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department